Does anyone in your council know how many images you own?
Does anyone in your council know how many images you own?
you live
A brand unlike any other
Your council has its own brand. It’s an amalgam of people, place, history, and experience. It represents respect for traditional owners and hope for better future. Your brand is best expressed through images and videos managed by a Lookatme™ Digital Asset Management solution.
#pics #images #digitalassets #communications #marketing #pr #social #reputationmanagement #lookatmeAustralian councils collect countless images and videos on numerous devices. What happens if a machine fails? How do the right people access those files? Who’s in charge of the security for those images? Are these images properly catalogued and curated? Your council can have one of the world’s most advanced and secure cloud-based Digital Asset Management solutions for as little as $490 per month.

Experiential marketing Getty Images/iStockphoto
Online and social provide you with an opportunity to create an experiential communication strategy for your council, informing rate payers and residents and inviting others into your community. Lookatme™ is the ‘single source of truth’ to manage this visual storytelling process.
#pics #images #digitalassets #communications #marketing #pr #social #reputationmanagement #lookatme
Introducing Lookatme™ Digital Asset Management solution
Lookatme™ is one of the most advanced Digital Asset Management solutions that has been used by many of the world’s best museums, galleries, governments and corporations for more than a decade. Over that time, its cataloguing and curating capabilities have been refined to make them highly intuitive and easy to use while providing a ‘museum’ standard professional solution.
Why is Lookatme™ the ideal solution for Australian councils?
Many councils use file management systems that were never designed to catalogue and curate images and videos. Using images and videos to document every aspect of the council’s activities is now the norm. Alternatively, many councils have opted for ‘entry level’ Digital Asset Management solutions that fall well short of their actual needs. Lookatme™ provides a professional, ‘museum’ standard Digital Assets Management solution to Australian councils for as little as $490 per month.

More love Getty Images/iStockphoto
Councils are always under resourced. Lookatme™ makes it practical for even the smallest teams to create more compelling and creative communications, with greater ease.
#pics #images #digitalassets #communications #marketing #pr #social #reputationmanagement #lookatme
Streamline access and use images and video effortlessly
Lookatme™ is a solution that provides you with out-of-the-box workflows built around specific roles. This makes it easy for administrators to offer different access levels to different people in your organisation while maintaining complete control over approvals and usage. When dealing with staff from various offices and departments, contractors, ratepayers, media and countless other stakeholders, this workflow reduces the burden on administrators, increasing accessibility and the appropriate usage of these assets while maintaining security.
Lookatme™ even has some capabilities of tracking the use and expiration of images outside of the system and providing alerts and email notifications…but these are just a few of the benefits of Lookatme™.
Email or call for a free tour
If you would like an obligation-free tour of the Digital Asset Management solution that can potentially revolutionise how you access, control and manage the usage of images and video for your council, email us at
> Digital asset management for local government
> The importance of digital asset management today
> Online newsroom and digital asset management
> What value do you place on your team's time?
> Create a secure single source truth for all your digital assets